- Human Resource Management.
- Matters with regard to government circuit bungalows.
- Management activities related to fleet control & maintenance.
- Office Management.
- Productivity Management to uplift office methods.
- Preparation of the (Front Office Management System).
- Implementation of novel Information Technology methods qualitatively and productively.
- Establishing new methods in order for the general public to get necessary information more conveniently.
- Networking & coordination of all institutions under the purview of the Ministry.
Administration Division
Administration Division (Internal Administration / Human Resources/ Information Technology)
Latest News
- The Highlights in related to the expenditure head of the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils and Local Government
- 77th National Independence Day - 2025
- All set to commemorate 77th National Independence Day in dignified manner, This year’s Independence Day is open to the general public as well
- Government officials are responsible for the pertinence of the development projects carried out in the country.
- National Digital Birth Certificate will be issued. (2023.12.05)