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rakna arakshaka lankaRakna Arakshaka Lanka Limited (RALL) is a premier security services provider, which is a Government owned business that functions under the State Ministry of National Security, Home Affairs and Disaster Management.


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Mission is to mobilize the resources and Co-ordinate the activities of NGO’s within the National Policy Framework and make them to contribute as partners in the process of development of the country.

To ensure all the NGOs which are functioning in Sri Lanka, registered and they are functioning within the frame of Government Policies.


With the liberalization of the economy in late 1970s and the consequent relaxation of foreign exchange regulations, trade and travel restrictions, there arose a phenomenal increase in the number of foreign NGOs. With the increased flow of foreign assistance and the expansion of community and rural development, a further proliferation of NGOs was observed in the country. Since NGOs were expected to play a complementary role to that of the government, and its selfless nature, the presence and operation of NGOs was welcomed by the Government. In 1980 the Government enacted the Voluntary Social Services Organizations (Registration & Supervision) Act which sought to introduce a system of registration and supervision of activities of NGOs. However, this Act was not strictly implemented and the registration of NGOs was not strictly followed. This necessitated the government to give serious consideration to introduce a system of registration of NGOs in the Country. In 1990, The President appointed a Commission to go into the activities of NGOs and to make recommendations for their proper functioning. In 1995 the Ministry of Health, Highways & Social Services proposed certain amendments to the 1980 Act. In 1998 the draft legislation was approved by the Parliament. (Act No.8 of 1998)

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immigration dep


To be the best immigration service in the region.

Regulate the entry and exit of persons, and provide citizenship services, while safeguarding the nation's security & social order, and promoting economic development.


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  • Granting required entry endorsements in travel documents of persons other than citizens of Sri Lanka at approved entry points. (See sections 11 & 13 of the act)
  • Keeping and maintaining a register of persons who are non citizens of Sri Lanka at entry points. (See section 26)
  • Stamping the travel documents of persons leaving Sri Lanka at departure points and maintaining records there in. (See regulation 56)
  • Identification of persons entering and leaving Sri Lanka at approved ports. (See section 37)


  • Exercising the powers vested by or under the Immigration & Emigration Act.
  • Performing the duties assigned by or under the Immigration & Emigration Act.
  • Issuing visa to persons other than citizens of Sri Lanka to enter and stay in Sri Lanka, and border controlling. (See part III of the act)
  • Issuing travel documents to the citizens of Sri Lanka. (See part VII of the act.)
  • Maintaining detention places approved by the minister. (See section 48)
  • Conducting investigations on violations of provisions made by or under the act.
  • Keeping and maintaining the information and records connected to the functions mentioned above.


The Registrar General's Department was formed for registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths of the populace Sri Lankan and legal documents pertaining to properties, with a view to safeguarding their fundamental rights.

This Department was initially established in 1864 for the purpose of registration of land and entrusted with civil registration. ie. registration of births, marriages and deaths in 1867.

Civil registration activities have been decentralized up to the Divisional Secretariat level and accordingly a District Registrar's Division is operating in all 332 Divisional Secretariats.

Land registration process is carried out in district level and 45 Land Registries have been established in the Island for the purpose.

The Registrar General's Department is operating under the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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